Without a heart, a soul, a motive in this life,,, is it gonna be better on the other side?
am I gonna live like you or them, if I stop breathing right now?
because I'm not strong enough
just too weak to face the truth my eyes show me right now
can't you just make my heart bleed instead of just breaking it?
memories are the only thing I'll let go, and with them, my life and love will disappear...
what do I care if I'm wrong???
I just want to shout it out, to shut my head, to shoot my heart...
I just want to sleep, and let the forgotten ones take away all I am, all my memories make me want to be.
could you just let me go???
Mensualmente debo tener $190000 para subsistir:
Agua: $20000.
Luz:. $20000.
Internet: $20000 (o $40000 depende si Moisés puede ...
Hace 7 años
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