What the sorrow of my soul may reach is unstoppable and truth
It's always being devoured by the hunger of my mind,
esa enormidad que la memoria desea en lo más profundo de si
and that can only be recieved with a grteful look.

We are lost
como dos almas que caminan en un desierto
nothing around but us.
And I try and I try
I'll just stop trying and start doing things

I'll let you be my moon
piercing white, reflected by my pupils...
iris relaxing letting it in.
I'm letting you in...

Forge an enemy out of myself...
a part of me lost in that trance
que la hipnosis de tus ojos se traga en mi alma.
just close your eyes...
Dream with me.



Through the cloudy sky
like a nonsense cry
I hear it at night
when there's just you and I

Blood tears a hole,
like acid in the rug
red piercing over white

Sometimes the window becomes a well
and we threw our words away
hoping they'll reach somewhere else
or they'll be buried in paper and pen.

It just sounds so far away,
unknown distances,
new beginings,
and the tears are just meaningless
because heaven won't fall apart

I've found peace
relative calm,
the eye of the storm.

Carmin red,
pupils in trance
irises comming and going
dancing in pain

and nonsenses are walking out of my mind


Leah le acompañaba siempre,
siempre que los ruidos fuertes, las micros, los tacos, las idas y venidas, el transantiago, tu hermana, y el perro, ladraban, Leah estaba allí con él, se le abrazaba fuerte y no lo dejaba ir por nada del mundo...
Leah le acompañaba siempre, él tomó una aspirina y la cefalea desapareció.


New sun rising, like a new begining from your lips.
You took away the sorrow and made me a new smiling face.
I just keep on having those strange feelings which I wanna erase,
I'm just happy you helped me understand them faster.

New strenght and pure hearts.
Opened my eyes and breath that relaxing air.
Nobody heals completly, we just forget until we see light.

Just hold me tight, and never let go...