As cowardly as the one who uses alcohol and drugs,
I keep forgetting to peace my mind,
my eternal friend
the one who never betrays me
and just by being here hurts more than anything,
why would I want to remember?
what I play is Present,
as present as the fact that as you read this lines they're already Past.
(so far when you're just next to me)
I don't want to remember.
I'm useful this way,
without the gloomyness in my eyes.
without the blurryness...
(I can actually hear you)
I don't want me back
when now happyness is all I have.
Mensualmente debo tener $190000 para subsistir:
Agua: $20000.
Luz:. $20000.
Internet: $20000 (o $40000 depende si Moisés puede ...
Hace 7 años